Keeping the dream alive.

Freitag, Juli 29, 2005

i'm at work now.
my adoptee ain't here tho.
so i quite very happily shifted my files and stuff into the office area to type.
since the air here is much fresher and the view here is so much better too..
anywhere without Popeye is good.
ah wells..
and i get to msn more in the office too.
lesser human traffic la.

ah wells..
one can really learn quite abit from typing chemical datas.
or rather compiling stuff.
i know that i can die if it drink ethanol.
that's what the supplier's MSDS said.
and i just saw this..
polyethylene amines are suspected mutagens.
who wants to be part of the X-Men?

that's not the point of my mid-day blog entry

i responded to liwei's blog thingo..
that went something like this..

Leave a comment (not tag!) with your name, and

1. I will write something random about you.
2. I will then tell you what song/movie reminds me of you (but most likely a movie, cos i'm not a DJ like Dong).(cuz i don't know Dong la...)
3. I will pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4. I will say something that only makes sense to you and me, hopefully.
5. I will tell you my first memory of you, if i can remember.
6. I will try to guess your favourite colour.
7. I will attempt to state one of your personality traits.
I'll then ask you something that I've always wondered about you, if i actually did la.

so...yeah...i'm opening this thingo to my blog readers too!

and this for me!

1. blue coloured floppy disks.
2. somewhere over the rainbow
3. tomyam
4. karencheng style of blogging
5. making Encounter posters
6. black
7. you'll bite back real bad if someone bites you.
8. how come you seem to have known me for a long time even tho' we only met online last year?

everything makes sense except the tomyam jello! O_O
and i'll only bite back real hard when you deserved to be bitten in the first place.
it's like you deserved to be attacked by a tiger if you happily dangle a bloody piece of meat in front and refuse to let him get to it.

back to workkk


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