Keeping the dream alive.

Dienstag, Februar 26, 2008

Achy bones.

And I always thought that you'll live forever.

I'm missing you.

a case of weltschmerz.

i feel sad today.
just sad.
no specific reason.

perhaps living and dying is really just one thin fine line...
and it hurts.

it's painful.


Freitag, Februar 22, 2008


Spent a bomb..or rather...emptied the wallet today at Meiji
there's a warehouse sale and it's amazing..
funny how such a small room can put a smile on my face.
bought a bit too much Hello Pandas..
and my strawberry chocolate thingy...
and some mushroom thingy..
and it's CHEAP!
i only had 20bucks on me at that time...and i spent 19buckeroos!
happy happy.

and i predict a sore throat coming along soon.

Mittwoch, Februar 20, 2008


After a fairly long hiatus, I'm finally back!

2008 hasn't been off to a good start..well at least for me..
I grandpa passed away on the first day of the new
go figure.

currently..i'm prolly suffering from a mid-life quarter-life crisis of some sorts..
i'm going to ponder about it for a bit and we'll see what happens..

oh rights...
about all the wrongs the new year has brought about so far...
let's see..
my asthma came!$#!!%^
heh...i was quite a shock..since it has all but disappeared since my pri two days..
luckily it was a mild attack..but quite horrifying nonetheless..
and i still went to church O__o
and spent the entire time during service trying to breathe..didn't managed to croak a single song out..heh

Ginger's balding! and losing weight!
i dog has a butt the size of JLo...well...erm...kinda...if you compare her to Puppy..
now she's like...Paris Hilton la!
and Puppy put on weight and now she's the one looking like JLo.. O__o
Ginger has to eat more!
Input increase...Output decrease...something will be retained in her body as fats sooner or later..

Nonsense at work..
can't elaborate any further..ask me personally if you want to hear me bitching about it..
to those who didn't ask and still kenna-ed the bitching...
this just shows that you're my listening ears..

Anyhow...i've decided that i've had enough.
Enough of all the nonsense and clutter..
i'm letting go and letting God.