Keeping the dream alive.

Donnerstag, März 09, 2006

Silly Cow.

I'm such a silly cow.
Was telling twin last night that..
I don't know what i want!!
-starts whining-
And she was telling me that..
You want Jesus!

anyway..that's not really explaining how i'm such a silly cow..
as i was taking the bus back from a horrible piano class just now..
i was just thinking of what exactly do i want.
at this moment.

and i do have a lot of stuff piled up now.
a test tmr.
an exam on sat
and 2 lab reports to hand up on monday.

the lab reports are the least of my worries now..
it's just the test and the exam..
i dunno..
i just get all flustered and everything..
and although i do read my notes..and i do take notes and everything..
i just feel that i've not done enough..
and based on my test results this sem..
i'm floundering..
and i don't like that feeling.

and i know what i want now.
i want PEACE.
i really want peace..
i want His peace in me.

In the past..
i usually enter a test or exam in a peaceful state of mind..
albeit the minor fact that i didn't prepare for the test..
but i was still at peace..
at peace with peace with the peace with Him..
i'm at peace even tho i know that i'm doomed.

somehow, this year.
the background static has become much louder.
much noiser.
much more disruptive.
I'm not peaceful anymore..
not just peace literally..
but peace of my mind..
i want to unclutter my mind..
my heart..
my brain..

i want to do a reformat.
i need to focus on one thing at a time..
and not a gazillion things at the same time..
for God knows that i do not have the ability to multitask and juggle 3 top priority events at the same time.

that's why i'm a silly cow.
Because someone told me way way way the previous week that..
Start on one, and your mountain pile of laundry will be finished batch by batch eventually

and on tuesday, Jem reminded me that i should always draw my strength from the Lord.

and on wednesday, Twin reminded me that i need Him.

and i only realised all these today..
ain't i a silly cow?


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