Keeping the dream alive.

Mittwoch, Januar 03, 2007

Bonne année.

2006 has been interesting...and in a way...quite eventful.
firstly...i've got a new niece.
then 2 days later...i landed with a new puppy.
and then there was hours of shit duty...
toilet training..
1st month celebrations..
dog training..
and kidnapping of baby gwen..
that followed.
gwen was spotted talking to ginger in baby language..
no idea if dog language is similar to baby gurgle..
and then..
i ended my nus 'career' on a high..
well..not to some people la.. but to me..definately a high.

and it's things like that that remind me how wonderful my God is.
1. i always wanted a dog..but after recieving 'NO' so many times from my parents..i sorta decided that i'll get it when i get my own place to live in..and so...i kinda stopped harbouring any desire for a dog..that was like..sometime in sec/jc, i reckon...didn't do anything about it...didn't pray etc. nada.
then...out of the blue...i've got ginger..and considering the fact that she's a golden retriever...i didn't have too much problem getting the parental approval. in fact it was more of the lines of...
'so how? want the golden retriever? want to see issit? ok can.' the whole decision making process lasted less than 30mins. we got the dog like 2 days after i saw her. fast right...i know..

it's stuff like that...things that i myself may have inadvertably forgotten over the years...or filed away as things to do in the future..and that's that.
the future wasn't here least not to me..
but then...apparently...God hasn't forgotten my prayers...and idea of 'the future' isn't the same as His idea of 'the future'..and really...
His timing was was really good..
i got Ginger during the last sem...where i was just basically bumming lar..
i had to finish 3 modules..and that was that.
3 modules of my choice...nothing heavy and stuff...except french..which was interesting.. :)
i had school on 2 days...and 2hrs of tutorial on another day...
so i had ALOT of time to spend with ginger during her first few months in the family..
if i had her after i started work..
who's gonna toilet train her?
toilet training itself was really time consuming..
but it's soo cool when she'll just open the kitchen sliding door and go to her toilet and all when it's raining.. :D

'twas a good year...and well...may '07 be a good year too :)


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