Keeping the dream alive.
Dienstag, Februar 28, 2006
Green Grass.
This is the way i want it to be.
Montag, Februar 27, 2006
The Puny Tricycle.
There was a little girl..around 1..
every morning..
when her parents leave for work..
she'll load her puny little tricycle with her pillow and bloster..and maybe a toy or two..
and she'll pedal as fast as her short legs can carry her..
and end up 2 doors down the corridor to another house.
At this other house..
She was treated like a princess..
She was hand fed every meal.
even if she just had to walk about, crawl about, jump about..
she was chased around with her bowl of smashed up jumbo.
The aunty at this house looks after her..
and the little girl...treated this home as her castle.
she took possession of the little boy's toys...
and gave him the toys that she didn't want to play with.
even though..all the toys in the collection was his.
When he was caught bullying her..
He got scolded by the nice aunty.
In short, she was a bully.
A tyrant.
And yet she was loved.
The aunty loved her.
The little boy loved her.
The big girl loved her.
The big boy loved her.
The uncle loved her.
and she loved them all back.
She was there till she started kindergarden..
then she shifted.
and over the years.
That family shifted too.
and years drifted by..
and they gradually lost touch.
until yesterday when the little girl's parents bumped into the big girl at an exhibition.
the big girl wanted the little girl to contact her.
the little girl did.
after a few emails.
the big girl found out that the little girl was in Foochow Methodist Church.
the big girl told the little girl that the dear nice aunty is also in FMC.
but she's at the mandarin service instead of the english 8am service that the little girl attends.
and the little girl is so amazed.
Amazed at how the world is so small.
Amazed at how the person you've been searching for for so long is just under your nose.
Amazed at how the Lord works.
the little girl is just amazed.
the little girl has to stop running around after service.
and sit at the carpark downstairs on sunday.
she's usually running to somewhere.
either running upstairs to the youth ministry.
or running outside to go home.
she's always running.
and now it's time for her to be still.
and wait.
every morning..
when her parents leave for work..
she'll load her puny little tricycle with her pillow and bloster..and maybe a toy or two..
and she'll pedal as fast as her short legs can carry her..
and end up 2 doors down the corridor to another house.
At this other house..
She was treated like a princess..
She was hand fed every meal.
even if she just had to walk about, crawl about, jump about..
she was chased around with her bowl of smashed up jumbo.
The aunty at this house looks after her..
and the little girl...treated this home as her castle.
she took possession of the little boy's toys...
and gave him the toys that she didn't want to play with.
even though..all the toys in the collection was his.
When he was caught bullying her..
He got scolded by the nice aunty.
In short, she was a bully.
A tyrant.
And yet she was loved.
The aunty loved her.
The little boy loved her.
The big girl loved her.
The big boy loved her.
The uncle loved her.
and she loved them all back.
She was there till she started kindergarden..
then she shifted.
and over the years.
That family shifted too.
and years drifted by..
and they gradually lost touch.
until yesterday when the little girl's parents bumped into the big girl at an exhibition.
the big girl wanted the little girl to contact her.
the little girl did.
after a few emails.
the big girl found out that the little girl was in Foochow Methodist Church.
the big girl told the little girl that the dear nice aunty is also in FMC.
but she's at the mandarin service instead of the english 8am service that the little girl attends.
and the little girl is so amazed.
Amazed at how the world is so small.
Amazed at how the person you've been searching for for so long is just under your nose.
Amazed at how the Lord works.
the little girl is just amazed.
the little girl has to stop running around after service.
and sit at the carpark downstairs on sunday.
she's usually running to somewhere.
either running upstairs to the youth ministry.
or running outside to go home.
she's always running.
and now it's time for her to be still.
and wait.
Sonntag, Februar 26, 2006
interesting stuff. :)
GRACE@WORK MAIL 8/06[Feb 24th 2006 Edition]
eCOMMENTARY: Googling for God's
"Why doesn't God just gave me a straightforward answer when I ask Him for His will?"
Invariably someone will ask this when I run a seminar on "Finding God's Will."
The logic of this question is even clearer in an Google age. After all when I need to know something I just Google and there are the answers.
Why on earth doesn't God set up a similar search engine?Or maybe a 1-800 number. 1-800-Godspeaks?
There are many ways I can answer this question.
Often I remind folks that God only answers when we are ready to obey. He doesn't entertain approaches that go "you tell me the answer first God and then I decide if I will obey." If we are to hear from God we are to approach Him in the fear of the Lord, which essentially means with a will in submission to Him.
Or I remind them that probably their life is so noisy that God's still small voice just gets drowned out. And impatience is so loud. In the words of Emilie Griffin: "We are so busy with our complaints and our requests that we hardly stop to listen for the voice of can the voice be heard, unless we listen? Sometimes God can hardly get a word in edgewise."
In truth I do not know for sure why God doesn't simply answer every time I have a query for Him. But my strong suspicion is that it has something to do with this: That God's primary concern is that we grow in maturity. And that is something that is unlikely to happen if He gives us some technique to get Him to speak.
When I was in primary school (grades 1-6) I had a friend who told me that he and his brothers used to go to the cemetery at night to ask the spirits for "numbers", i.e. the winning numbers of upcoming lotteries. I forget the steps involved. It had something to do with impaling a grave with a bamboo stick at midnight, saying the right spells and offering the right food offerings, some form of DIY shamanism.
The focus of such exercises was not the spirit, nor even those asking. The focus of the exercise was the information required. I feel the modern approach to questions hasn't moved too far beyond such a culture. We all want information on all sorts of issues. Of course that includes the critical ones like marriage partners and job choices.
But how many of us are interested in knowing what God is truly like? How many of us want to go deeper in our relationship with Him? And how many of us have "growing in Christlikeness" as life priority one?
The temptation is that we are not really that interested in knowing God more. And essentially we want to live our lives with minimal reference from the Big Guy. Until we need something from Him, like answers.
This temptation finds fertile ground in an age so enamoured with technique and the technical. Here is Quentin Schultze's warning:
"If we are not careful , even prayer can become just another instrumental technology to employ when everyday modes of control do not work. Prayer slips into machine logic, a means for manipulating God and neighbor to produce our desired results."
If our primary focus is on the right technique to get God to speak, how different then are we from those who are basically bosses of their own fates until they need something from the Big Guy? Then its time to visit the temple. Or the right holy men. And once we get the desired answers its back to life as usual, which is essentially life lived with little consciousness of God.
Evangelicals are quick to answer that God's primary means of communicating His Mind to us is the bible. And they are right. The bible properly interpreted should be our primary means to discern what God desires (Psalm 119:105). My only fear is that we reduce God to a book and depersonalize our exercise of knowing His mind.
Therefore we note that God also guides us through His Spirit. God Himself comes to us to guide us but often He does that by bringing to our minds the words of the Lord that apply to a given situation (John 16:12-15).
The centrality of God's written Word in any exercise in knowing His will presupposes that we are on an ongoing journey of knowing His Word, and a journey of being known by His Word as we allow the Word to reveal who we truly are (James 1:22-25) and to shape us to what we should become.
That this is God's primary approach to knowing His mind is something that the Word itself teaches.
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:1-2 NRSV)
This then is the tension of modern life. Our lives are fast. We need answers quickly. So much of modern life exists to support such a pace and the focus is on doing things quickly rather then wisely. And we approach hearing God in the same way.
The trouble is God refuses to play our game. He sticks to His divine agenda, which is to build a new humanity, a transformed people who will bear His image in the world. He knows that in the long run, a transformed people will be able to know His heart accurately, in fast times or in slow.
And so He refuses to give us a 1-800 number. Or allow us to Google His will.
Basically He asks us, "Do you want Me or do you just want information?"
If it is just information we want there is Bloomberg. If it is God we desire, we switch off the cell phones, unplug, and enter into a posture of worship.
Your brother,Soo-Inn Tan
eCOMMENTARY: Googling for God's
"Why doesn't God just gave me a straightforward answer when I ask Him for His will?"
Invariably someone will ask this when I run a seminar on "Finding God's Will."
The logic of this question is even clearer in an Google age. After all when I need to know something I just Google and there are the answers.
Why on earth doesn't God set up a similar search engine?Or maybe a 1-800 number. 1-800-Godspeaks?
There are many ways I can answer this question.
Often I remind folks that God only answers when we are ready to obey. He doesn't entertain approaches that go "you tell me the answer first God and then I decide if I will obey." If we are to hear from God we are to approach Him in the fear of the Lord, which essentially means with a will in submission to Him.
Or I remind them that probably their life is so noisy that God's still small voice just gets drowned out. And impatience is so loud. In the words of Emilie Griffin: "We are so busy with our complaints and our requests that we hardly stop to listen for the voice of can the voice be heard, unless we listen? Sometimes God can hardly get a word in edgewise."
In truth I do not know for sure why God doesn't simply answer every time I have a query for Him. But my strong suspicion is that it has something to do with this: That God's primary concern is that we grow in maturity. And that is something that is unlikely to happen if He gives us some technique to get Him to speak.
When I was in primary school (grades 1-6) I had a friend who told me that he and his brothers used to go to the cemetery at night to ask the spirits for "numbers", i.e. the winning numbers of upcoming lotteries. I forget the steps involved. It had something to do with impaling a grave with a bamboo stick at midnight, saying the right spells and offering the right food offerings, some form of DIY shamanism.
The focus of such exercises was not the spirit, nor even those asking. The focus of the exercise was the information required. I feel the modern approach to questions hasn't moved too far beyond such a culture. We all want information on all sorts of issues. Of course that includes the critical ones like marriage partners and job choices.
But how many of us are interested in knowing what God is truly like? How many of us want to go deeper in our relationship with Him? And how many of us have "growing in Christlikeness" as life priority one?
The temptation is that we are not really that interested in knowing God more. And essentially we want to live our lives with minimal reference from the Big Guy. Until we need something from Him, like answers.
This temptation finds fertile ground in an age so enamoured with technique and the technical. Here is Quentin Schultze's warning:
"If we are not careful , even prayer can become just another instrumental technology to employ when everyday modes of control do not work. Prayer slips into machine logic, a means for manipulating God and neighbor to produce our desired results."
If our primary focus is on the right technique to get God to speak, how different then are we from those who are basically bosses of their own fates until they need something from the Big Guy? Then its time to visit the temple. Or the right holy men. And once we get the desired answers its back to life as usual, which is essentially life lived with little consciousness of God.
Evangelicals are quick to answer that God's primary means of communicating His Mind to us is the bible. And they are right. The bible properly interpreted should be our primary means to discern what God desires (Psalm 119:105). My only fear is that we reduce God to a book and depersonalize our exercise of knowing His mind.
Therefore we note that God also guides us through His Spirit. God Himself comes to us to guide us but often He does that by bringing to our minds the words of the Lord that apply to a given situation (John 16:12-15).
The centrality of God's written Word in any exercise in knowing His will presupposes that we are on an ongoing journey of knowing His Word, and a journey of being known by His Word as we allow the Word to reveal who we truly are (James 1:22-25) and to shape us to what we should become.
That this is God's primary approach to knowing His mind is something that the Word itself teaches.
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:1-2 NRSV)
This then is the tension of modern life. Our lives are fast. We need answers quickly. So much of modern life exists to support such a pace and the focus is on doing things quickly rather then wisely. And we approach hearing God in the same way.
The trouble is God refuses to play our game. He sticks to His divine agenda, which is to build a new humanity, a transformed people who will bear His image in the world. He knows that in the long run, a transformed people will be able to know His heart accurately, in fast times or in slow.
And so He refuses to give us a 1-800 number. Or allow us to Google His will.
Basically He asks us, "Do you want Me or do you just want information?"
If it is just information we want there is Bloomberg. If it is God we desire, we switch off the cell phones, unplug, and enter into a posture of worship.
Your brother,Soo-Inn Tan
I'm so tired and drained.
I missed going to the Asean Aerospace Exhibition this morning.
and i missed going to service too.
slept only at 2.30AM last night.
was rushing my lab report.
but i still couldn't finish it.
i was stuck at home the entire morning.
Went to cut my hair yesterday.
Still getting used to it.
Cuz it's kinda short..prolly around Jing's current hair length.
when is it gonna grow back..
ah wells.
at least it's not gonna start being frizzy.
and when i tie it up, i look like a sec 4 kid.
Gonna have to re-read my lab reports later.
and print the final copy tonight, for submission tomorrow.
It really didn't help to have a test on friday.
Because i totally ignored the report until i got back from school on friday.
and it was a mad mad mad rush.
30min break before i start on my next test.
I missed going to the Asean Aerospace Exhibition this morning.
and i missed going to service too.
slept only at 2.30AM last night.
was rushing my lab report.
but i still couldn't finish it.
i was stuck at home the entire morning.
Went to cut my hair yesterday.
Still getting used to it.
Cuz it's kinda short..prolly around Jing's current hair length.
when is it gonna grow back..
ah wells.
at least it's not gonna start being frizzy.
and when i tie it up, i look like a sec 4 kid.
Gonna have to re-read my lab reports later.
and print the final copy tonight, for submission tomorrow.
It really didn't help to have a test on friday.
Because i totally ignored the report until i got back from school on friday.
and it was a mad mad mad rush.
30min break before i start on my next test.
Donnerstag, Februar 23, 2006
He's been trying to teach me this lesson for 5 years!!!
am i a slow learner or what!
I finally see how amazing His Word is.
the more in depth you go...
the more you'll find.
skimming the surface won't get you much..
and after a while..
skimming the surface makes you sien of reading it.
i speak from personal experience.
i'm still absorbing the knowledge..
oh and.
there were dinosaurs on board Noah's Ark!!
like how huge was the ark!
He's been trying to teach me this lesson for 5 years!!!
am i a slow learner or what!
I finally see how amazing His Word is.
the more in depth you go...
the more you'll find.
skimming the surface won't get you much..
and after a while..
skimming the surface makes you sien of reading it.
i speak from personal experience.
i'm still absorbing the knowledge..
oh and.
there were dinosaurs on board Noah's Ark!!
like how huge was the ark!
Mittwoch, Februar 22, 2006
I feel soooo happy!
everytime we sing the thingy after service..
i'll feel very happy.
i love the song.
but i can't seem to find the lyrics anywhere..
until NOW.
it's not a song lar!!!!
it's from the Book of Jude!!!
Verse 24-25
i'm soooo happy.
cuz it kinda reminds me of Mary Poppins.
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
everytime we sing the thingy after service..
i'll feel very happy.
i love the song.
but i can't seem to find the lyrics anywhere..
until NOW.
it's not a song lar!!!!
it's from the Book of Jude!!!
Verse 24-25
i'm soooo happy.
cuz it kinda reminds me of Mary Poppins.
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. — Ecclesiastes 3:1
If only silly old me did my daily devotionals everyday..
i would have read this..
We live in a mobile and fast-paced society. We just don't like to wait for anything anymore. We like things fast. We don't even have to wait for ketchup anymore. It comes in an upside-down squeeze bottle now.
I have to admit that, personally, I like things fast. If I am on the freeway and one lane is moving just a little faster than the other, I will switch over. If I'm in line at a store, and I see a new register open, I will go over there just so I can get out four seconds faster than everyone else.
We get our news fast too. In the old days, we would have to wait until later in the day for the news. But now, through satellite technology, we can get our news as it is happening. We like things fast, boiled down, and simplified.
We carry this thinking over into our spiritual lives as well. We expect God to work the same way. If God has something to say to us, we prefer that it would be in a ten-second sound bite, because we are awfully busy.
Here is the problem with this thinking when it applies to God and the spiritual life. God rarely gives His eternal truths in ten-second sound bites. We can't have spiritual growth fast and simple. Spiritual growth takes time, and lots of it. In fact, it takes a lifetime.
Let me ask you this: Do you have something more important or significant to do with your life than to get to know the God who created you and to walk with Him? That is why God put us here in the first place. And it will take a lifetime.
- Greg Laurie-
i would have read this..
We live in a mobile and fast-paced society. We just don't like to wait for anything anymore. We like things fast. We don't even have to wait for ketchup anymore. It comes in an upside-down squeeze bottle now.
I have to admit that, personally, I like things fast. If I am on the freeway and one lane is moving just a little faster than the other, I will switch over. If I'm in line at a store, and I see a new register open, I will go over there just so I can get out four seconds faster than everyone else.
We get our news fast too. In the old days, we would have to wait until later in the day for the news. But now, through satellite technology, we can get our news as it is happening. We like things fast, boiled down, and simplified.
We carry this thinking over into our spiritual lives as well. We expect God to work the same way. If God has something to say to us, we prefer that it would be in a ten-second sound bite, because we are awfully busy.
Here is the problem with this thinking when it applies to God and the spiritual life. God rarely gives His eternal truths in ten-second sound bites. We can't have spiritual growth fast and simple. Spiritual growth takes time, and lots of it. In fact, it takes a lifetime.
Let me ask you this: Do you have something more important or significant to do with your life than to get to know the God who created you and to walk with Him? That is why God put us here in the first place. And it will take a lifetime.
- Greg Laurie-
Dienstag, Februar 21, 2006
Ecclesiastes 3.
You're this cause that i really wanted to write off 2 years back.
You knew everything in the Bible.
yet.. you chose to turn away..
with every rejection, a piece of you turns jaded.
you think the answers i give are model answers.
and i really don't know what to say.
because you know all the model answers.
what to say and what not to say..
but the thing is..
what i said is the truth.
i really can't cut you off lar..
i really cannot.
it's this full circle thing.
and you're in my life for a reason.
and i'm there for a reason too.
but it's really really hard when you're not responding the way i want you too.
Ah kong says..
God's not instant sometimes you know..
He has his plans..
Mie says..
i know...but i'm getting impatient already!
i think You want me to learn the importance of patience.
It's been very very long already..
and..i'm not a very patient person.
i really do expect instant results.
like this..
do this this and this and see results tomorrow!
i think God works in amazing ways..
her personal msg was...
God y r u like tt? .. Y other pple dun have to work so hard for wad they wan in life, yet i have to? Y? Everytime like tt?
and then..........after like an hour...jem came online...and
his personal msg was...
When you don't understand...when you don't see His plan...when you can't trace His hand..Trust His Heart..
it's like how accurate lar..
i haven't even told him what happened yet.
for that smalll teeny weeny miracle..
i am encouraged..
Aza aza fighting!
(wahaha...that's like from Full House)
random stuff again.
You knew everything in the Bible.
yet.. you chose to turn away..
with every rejection, a piece of you turns jaded.
you think the answers i give are model answers.
and i really don't know what to say.
because you know all the model answers.
what to say and what not to say..
but the thing is..
what i said is the truth.
i really can't cut you off lar..
i really cannot.
it's this full circle thing.
and you're in my life for a reason.
and i'm there for a reason too.
but it's really really hard when you're not responding the way i want you too.
Ah kong says..
God's not instant sometimes you know..
He has his plans..
Mie says..
i know...but i'm getting impatient already!
i think You want me to learn the importance of patience.
It's been very very long already..
and..i'm not a very patient person.
i really do expect instant results.
like this..
do this this and this and see results tomorrow!
i think God works in amazing ways..
her personal msg was...
God y r u like tt? .. Y other pple dun have to work so hard for wad they wan in life, yet i have to? Y? Everytime like tt?
and then..........after like an hour...jem came online...and
his personal msg was...
When you don't understand...when you don't see His plan...when you can't trace His hand..Trust His Heart..
it's like how accurate lar..
i haven't even told him what happened yet.
for that smalll teeny weeny miracle..
i am encouraged..
Aza aza fighting!
(wahaha...that's like from Full House)
random stuff again.
I was netless the entire day and it was HORRIBLE.
felt sooo handicapped.
couldn't do my report..
felt that polymer was tooooo boring to study..tho i'll have to get that done soon..really soon.
ended up compiling my piano stuff in the morning..
and spent the afternoon flipping some notes...pottering around the house..
random stuff.
met the girls for dinner.
'twas nice.
had yummy lamb chops.
and after dinner..
we had an interesting debate kinda thingy.
4 vs 1.
it was about this girl..
who's recently made famous.
i didn't exactly think that she's a victim.
i think she brought it on herself.
i mean..
really lar..
think about it.
reaping what you sow.
I'm a strong believer of Newton's Third Law of Motion.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
for such perverse actions.
i still stick to 2 words..
'Huo Gai'
but i do symphathize with the whole handphone got stolen saga tho.
i would for any person.
no one deserves to get their hp stolen.
and..i think she suffered enough already.
but still..
no one else to blame.
personal opinion.
each person might have a differing opinion..
felt sooo handicapped.
couldn't do my report..
felt that polymer was tooooo boring to study..tho i'll have to get that done soon..really soon.
ended up compiling my piano stuff in the morning..
and spent the afternoon flipping some notes...pottering around the house..
random stuff.
met the girls for dinner.
'twas nice.
had yummy lamb chops.
and after dinner..
we had an interesting debate kinda thingy.
4 vs 1.
it was about this girl..
who's recently made famous.
i didn't exactly think that she's a victim.
i think she brought it on herself.
i mean..
really lar..
think about it.
reaping what you sow.
I'm a strong believer of Newton's Third Law of Motion.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
for such perverse actions.
i still stick to 2 words..
'Huo Gai'
but i do symphathize with the whole handphone got stolen saga tho.
i would for any person.
no one deserves to get their hp stolen.
and..i think she suffered enough already.
but still..
no one else to blame.
personal opinion.
each person might have a differing opinion..
Montag, Februar 20, 2006
I am fickle.
I am.
Looking back at stuff..
I seem to be jumping into almost everything.
not a pause think jump.'s a glance jump.
like how i said that i wanted so much to get a dslr..
that want is fading..
it's now would be nice to own one..but it's not the top of my priorities at the moment..
and how i recently wanted to get vintage cameras like the pentax?'s not really a full blown enthusiatic camera that i must have too.
Same goes for the Lomo.
Many more examples where those came from..
Like how i so wanted this and that..
and changed my mind after a couple of weeks.
the only good thing about this is that..
i think before i spend.
that's my only saving grace.
if not..i'll be swamped by the random items that i would have bought on impulse.
Stuff costing more than 100buckeroos usually have a few weeks of thought invested in them.
But anything else that doesn't cost that much..
i usually just jump and regret.
Am i never gonna stick to anything?
To see anything thru to completion?
That thought scares me.
I hate leaving ends incomplete.
But that's what i always seem to be doing.
To dabble in everything yet complete none.
My crossstitch from Primary Six is still incompleted. A project in Progress. Although not much progress is being made.
A canvas that i bought mid last year is still blank. I don't know how to fill it.
A book on roman literature was bought last year at the spur of the moment..when i thought that knowing about roman classics would be interesting. That's still somewhere in the bookshelf untouched.
I'm never gonna complete anything.
Currently..i don't seem to have much stuff going on..
that is..stuff that i'm really interested in..
other stuff that i have going on, would be my piano exams, tests, and a whole ton of readings.
Start on one, and your mountain pile of laundry will be finished batch by batch eventually
I am.
Looking back at stuff..
I seem to be jumping into almost everything.
not a pause think jump.'s a glance jump.
like how i said that i wanted so much to get a dslr..
that want is fading..
it's now would be nice to own one..but it's not the top of my priorities at the moment..
and how i recently wanted to get vintage cameras like the pentax?'s not really a full blown enthusiatic camera that i must have too.
Same goes for the Lomo.
Many more examples where those came from..
Like how i so wanted this and that..
and changed my mind after a couple of weeks.
the only good thing about this is that..
i think before i spend.
that's my only saving grace.
if not..i'll be swamped by the random items that i would have bought on impulse.
Stuff costing more than 100buckeroos usually have a few weeks of thought invested in them.
But anything else that doesn't cost that much..
i usually just jump and regret.
Am i never gonna stick to anything?
To see anything thru to completion?
That thought scares me.
I hate leaving ends incomplete.
But that's what i always seem to be doing.
To dabble in everything yet complete none.
My crossstitch from Primary Six is still incompleted. A project in Progress. Although not much progress is being made.
A canvas that i bought mid last year is still blank. I don't know how to fill it.
A book on roman literature was bought last year at the spur of the moment..when i thought that knowing about roman classics would be interesting. That's still somewhere in the bookshelf untouched.
I'm never gonna complete anything.
Currently..i don't seem to have much stuff going on..
that is..stuff that i'm really interested in..
other stuff that i have going on, would be my piano exams, tests, and a whole ton of readings.
Start on one, and your mountain pile of laundry will be finished batch by batch eventually
Dienstag, Februar 14, 2006
Love the Love.

was searching thru gettyimages for pictures to make my v-day card..and i saw this..
when i ran a search on 'love'.
I love Love..
because..Jesus is Love.
Montag, Februar 13, 2006
Soldier of Love.
The world is filled with people doing stupid things and they try to justify them.
Hug someone that you love. Just love can change everything.
Hug someone that you love. Just love can change everything.
Sonntag, Februar 12, 2006
A Dream Deferred.
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
-Langston Hughes-
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
-Langston Hughes-
Samstag, Februar 11, 2006
God's Princesses.
Every girl wants to be a princess.
But not all of us get our wishes granted.
There are so many children who are victims of child abuse and such atrocities.
I believe that every girl has the right to be a princess.
I'm a princess too.
And my girl friends are princesses too.
I mean..look at pam.
Everyone of us are princesses in our own right.
Some are quiet princesses.
Some are loud, and hyperactive princesses.
Some are intelligent princesses.
Some are sleepy princesses.
Some are hardworking princesses.
Some are mischievous princesses.
Some are chatty princesses.
Some princesses are regular pranksters.
Some princesses love travelling.
Some princesses prefer lazing around with a good book.
Some princesses spend the entire day on the Net.
Some princesses choose to embark on shopping sprees.
Some princesses love chocolates.
Some princesses are lactose intolerant.
Some princesses love photography.
Some princesses loath photography.
Some princesses love cooking.
Some princesses can't cook for nuts.
Some princesses are blessed with the creative spark.
Some princesses are blessed with wit and humour.
Some princesses are blessed with a listening ear.
Some princesses are blessed with the art of entertaining.
Some princesses are blessed with the right home.
A home where love comes in gallons and gallons.
Bucketfuls of love ever-flowing.
Some princesses are blessed with amazing friends.
Some princesses always fail to count their blessings.
Leaving out the bits which are most important.
Bits that come before worldly possessions.
Important bits like love, friendship, happiness, and joy.
Everyone's a princess.
My Father's a King.
and that makes me a Princess.
It's that easy.
My Daddy King is Ruler of the Universe.
And you prolly don't get any rank higher than that.
I'm not one for bragging..
My Daddy King created the world.
My Daddy King can FLY.
My Daddy King can heal the sick.
My Daddy King rose from the grave.
With all that on His resume.
I am definitely qualified to be a princess.
but not just any princess.
I'm His Princess.
And you can be one too.
His Princesses come in all types.
Blood types A+, B+, AB+, O+
not to mention their negative counterparts.
The tall and the not-so-tall.
All hair colours.
All hair types.
All shapes and sizes.
All characters and personalities.
All parts of the world.
All ages.
All kinds.
His Princesses are everywhere.
Dear little girl,
you are terribly blessed
But it's your heart of gold
I love the best
And that will be your crowning glory
your whole life through
It'll always be your crowning glory
The most glorious part of you
this princess is coming down with a fever and she has to make wontons now.
But not all of us get our wishes granted.
There are so many children who are victims of child abuse and such atrocities.
I believe that every girl has the right to be a princess.
I'm a princess too.
And my girl friends are princesses too.
I mean..look at pam.
Everyone of us are princesses in our own right.
Some are quiet princesses.
Some are loud, and hyperactive princesses.
Some are intelligent princesses.
Some are sleepy princesses.
Some are hardworking princesses.
Some are mischievous princesses.
Some are chatty princesses.
Some princesses are regular pranksters.
Some princesses love travelling.
Some princesses prefer lazing around with a good book.
Some princesses spend the entire day on the Net.
Some princesses choose to embark on shopping sprees.
Some princesses love chocolates.
Some princesses are lactose intolerant.
Some princesses love photography.
Some princesses loath photography.
Some princesses love cooking.
Some princesses can't cook for nuts.
Some princesses are blessed with the creative spark.
Some princesses are blessed with wit and humour.
Some princesses are blessed with a listening ear.
Some princesses are blessed with the art of entertaining.
Some princesses are blessed with the right home.
A home where love comes in gallons and gallons.
Bucketfuls of love ever-flowing.
Some princesses are blessed with amazing friends.
Some princesses always fail to count their blessings.
Leaving out the bits which are most important.
Bits that come before worldly possessions.
Important bits like love, friendship, happiness, and joy.
Everyone's a princess.
My Father's a King.
and that makes me a Princess.
It's that easy.
My Daddy King is Ruler of the Universe.
And you prolly don't get any rank higher than that.
I'm not one for bragging..
My Daddy King created the world.
My Daddy King can FLY.
My Daddy King can heal the sick.
My Daddy King rose from the grave.
With all that on His resume.
I am definitely qualified to be a princess.
but not just any princess.
I'm His Princess.
And you can be one too.
His Princesses come in all types.
Blood types A+, B+, AB+, O+
not to mention their negative counterparts.
The tall and the not-so-tall.
All hair colours.
All hair types.
All shapes and sizes.
All characters and personalities.
All parts of the world.
All ages.
All kinds.
His Princesses are everywhere.
Dear little girl,
you are terribly blessed
But it's your heart of gold
I love the best
And that will be your crowning glory
your whole life through
It'll always be your crowning glory
The most glorious part of you
this princess is coming down with a fever and she has to make wontons now.
My Funny Valentine.
My funny valentine;
Sweet, comic valentine;
You make me smile with my heart.
Your looks are laughable;
Yet, you're my favorite work of art.
Is your figure - less than Greek?
Is your mouth - a little weak?
When you open it to speak, are you smart?
Don't change a hair for me;
Not if you care for me;
Stay, little valentine, stay!
Each day is valentine's day.
Sweet, comic valentine;
You make me smile with my heart.
Your looks are laughable;
Yet, you're my favorite work of art.
Is your figure - less than Greek?
Is your mouth - a little weak?
When you open it to speak, are you smart?
Don't change a hair for me;
Not if you care for me;
Stay, little valentine, stay!
Each day is valentine's day.
I think...
God doesn't trust my driving.
I'm not ready to meet Him yet..
I'm not taking part in the car rally..
because..there's no more vacancies!
I'm not ready to meet Him yet..
I'm not taking part in the car rally..
because..there's no more vacancies!
Freitag, Februar 10, 2006
My kor is Back in sg!
to stay for a year!!!
i've missed him..
since like...i was j2?
then he went melb.
and he's back for internship!!
i <33333 internship
My kor is Back in sg!
to stay for a year!!!
i've missed him..
since like...i was j2?
then he went melb.
and he's back for internship!!
i <33333 internship
Donnerstag, Februar 09, 2006
a moment of dweebishness
oh wells..
random stuff from a mugger..aka me.
was reading my polymer notes and i saw this..
" blah blah blah..homopolymers.."
and i was like..huh? homosexual polymers?
and then...after like 5seconds..
i was like...Ohhhhhh... polymers that look like this... AAAAAAA or BBBBB
i saw this...
"both chiral centres can be d/l"
and i was like... download wad?
chiral centres can be downloaded?
and then....after 10seconds..i was like....ohh... chiral centres can be d or l..
not d-slash-l
i'm such a dweeb.
oh wells..
random stuff from a mugger..aka me.
was reading my polymer notes and i saw this..
" blah blah blah..homopolymers.."
and i was like..huh? homosexual polymers?
and then...after like 5seconds..
i was like...Ohhhhhh... polymers that look like this... AAAAAAA or BBBBB
i saw this...
"both chiral centres can be d/l"
and i was like... download wad?
chiral centres can be downloaded?
and then....after 10seconds..i was like....ohh... chiral centres can be d or l..
not d-slash-l
i'm such a dweeb.
can someone please slap me?
like seriously slap me?
i did the most unbelievable thing..
someone with my lousy driving skills should NEVER do..
i agreed to take part in a car rally..
NUS Centennial Charity Car Rally Feature.
Come this February, teams of 2 - 4 members each will go on an islandwide treasure hunt that will not only lead them to the doorsteps of many places of interest, but a great chance to rediscover Singapore!
What makes NUS Centennial Charity Car Rally 2006 so interesting and different from the other treasure hunts is the fact that the teams will have to search for clues and tackle adventurous ‘Fear-Factor’-like challenges.
All proceeds will be chanelled to the NUS Motoring Club’s adopted charities – The Spastic Children’s Association of Singapore and The Rainbow Centre, both of which caters to children with special needs.
With such an event that relies on a good amount of teamwork, it would definitely make for a great chance for building relationships and re-kindling old ties with old buddies.
Catching up over old times over a nice mix of fuel and coffee never sounded better!
So what are you waiting for?
Head on down now to register for an exciting and fun-filled adventure!
This event is open to public and students so gather round your friends and have a smashing great Saturday full of fantastic prizes, goodie bags, discoveries, challenges, twists and turns!
like seriously slap me?
i did the most unbelievable thing..
someone with my lousy driving skills should NEVER do..
i agreed to take part in a car rally..
NUS Centennial Charity Car Rally Feature.
Come this February, teams of 2 - 4 members each will go on an islandwide treasure hunt that will not only lead them to the doorsteps of many places of interest, but a great chance to rediscover Singapore!
What makes NUS Centennial Charity Car Rally 2006 so interesting and different from the other treasure hunts is the fact that the teams will have to search for clues and tackle adventurous ‘Fear-Factor’-like challenges.
All proceeds will be chanelled to the NUS Motoring Club’s adopted charities – The Spastic Children’s Association of Singapore and The Rainbow Centre, both of which caters to children with special needs.
With such an event that relies on a good amount of teamwork, it would definitely make for a great chance for building relationships and re-kindling old ties with old buddies.
Catching up over old times over a nice mix of fuel and coffee never sounded better!
So what are you waiting for?
Head on down now to register for an exciting and fun-filled adventure!
This event is open to public and students so gather round your friends and have a smashing great Saturday full of fantastic prizes, goodie bags, discoveries, challenges, twists and turns!
Random stuff that make sense to me.
Sometimes we put up walls.
Not to keep people out,
but to see who cares enough to knock them down.
Grown ups are supposed to know more than anybody else,
but we never do.
He was born in an obscure village.
He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty.
He then became anitinerant preacher.
He never held an office.
He never had a family or owned a house.
He didnt go to college.
He had no credentials but Himself..
Nineteen centuries have come and gone,
and today,
He is the central figure of the human race.
all the armies that ever marched,
all the navies that ever sailed,
all the parliaments that ever sat,
and all the kings that ever reigned
have not affected the life of Man on this earth as much as that.
Not to keep people out,
but to see who cares enough to knock them down.
Grown ups are supposed to know more than anybody else,
but we never do.
He was born in an obscure village.
He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty.
He then became anitinerant preacher.
He never held an office.
He never had a family or owned a house.
He didnt go to college.
He had no credentials but Himself..
Nineteen centuries have come and gone,
and today,
He is the central figure of the human race.
all the armies that ever marched,
all the navies that ever sailed,
all the parliaments that ever sat,
and all the kings that ever reigned
have not affected the life of Man on this earth as much as that.
Mittwoch, Februar 08, 2006
I want only the best for you.
Only the Best for my bestest brother.
Only the Best for my bestest sister.
I only want God's Best.
Give me Your Best.
Only the Best for my bestest brother.
Only the Best for my bestest sister.
I only want God's Best.
Give me Your Best.
How to be a Tigger
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger is up to you
Ah, you've got to look like a tiggerAnd sound like a tigger?
And act like a tigger too
If we paint black stripe on our underwear
And glue on whiskers too
We're bound to appear far more as tiggers do
Maybe we could all say "T-T-F-N"
And shout "Hoo-hoo-hoo-hooooo!"
We all might sound a lot more tiggerish too
Ha-ha, ya thing?
And that is how to be a tigger
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger is up to you
You've got to look like a tigger
And sound like a tiger
And act like a tigger too
If we break things up and knock things down
And leave the place a mess
That's the thing that Tigger does the best
(I ought to know)
And if I don't eat honey
From the honey pot
Ol' Tigger will plainly see
I must be another tigger because
I couldn't possibly be me
And that is how to be a tigger
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger is up to you
You've go to look like a tigger
And sound like a tigger
And act like a tigger, um, also
Um, if we could all be happy
Full of friendliness and cheer
He'll surely see we are his family!
Ah, we're filled with joy and laughter
And the happiness he starts
And feel it from the bottom of our hearts
And that is how to be a tigger
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger is up to you
You've got to be like a tigger
Full of glee like a tigger
With a happy hoo-hoo-hoo
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger is up to you
You've gotta be like a tigger
Full of glee like a tigger
With a happy hoo-hoo-hoo-hooooo
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger is up to you
Ah, you've got to look like a tiggerAnd sound like a tigger?
And act like a tigger too
If we paint black stripe on our underwear
And glue on whiskers too
We're bound to appear far more as tiggers do
Maybe we could all say "T-T-F-N"
And shout "Hoo-hoo-hoo-hooooo!"
We all might sound a lot more tiggerish too
Ha-ha, ya thing?
And that is how to be a tigger
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger is up to you
You've got to look like a tigger
And sound like a tiger
And act like a tigger too
If we break things up and knock things down
And leave the place a mess
That's the thing that Tigger does the best
(I ought to know)
And if I don't eat honey
From the honey pot
Ol' Tigger will plainly see
I must be another tigger because
I couldn't possibly be me
And that is how to be a tigger
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger is up to you
You've go to look like a tigger
And sound like a tigger
And act like a tigger, um, also
Um, if we could all be happy
Full of friendliness and cheer
He'll surely see we are his family!
Ah, we're filled with joy and laughter
And the happiness he starts
And feel it from the bottom of our hearts
And that is how to be a tigger
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger is up to you
You've got to be like a tigger
Full of glee like a tigger
With a happy hoo-hoo-hoo
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger
How to be a tigger is up to you
You've gotta be like a tigger
Full of glee like a tigger
With a happy hoo-hoo-hoo-hooooo
Dienstag, Februar 07, 2006
You and Me.
I saw 2 boys downstairs today.
From what i know..
They're different as night and day.
Watching them,
I see us.
Like peas in a pod, yet different in so many other ways.
One's jovial, funny, reckless and forever happy.
The other's quiet, careful, sensible and forever pondering.
I see us.
I've always been the jovial one.
Getting myself into scrapes because of my recklessness.
Finding humour in every situation, thinking that the world will be bleak without the 'fun' element.
You're always the sensible one.
Getting me out of scrapes because you just have to bail me out.
Thinking of solutions to save the world, when i just try to save the world without much thought.
Careful about each statement you make, so as not to stumble me.
Listening to me when I blabber, complain, whine, or just chatter.
I see us.
The roles are reversed now.
I'm the mother goose.
You're the baby learning to walk again.
I'm not used to mothering, I'm used to be mothered.
I'm not used to being the logical voice among us, I'm used to be the voice that points the way to mayhem.
I see us.
I don't think I'm experienced enough to do good mothering, but by golly i will.
With every single compound, molecule, atom, quark in me, I promise to do my best.
I'll get you back step by step, we'll crawl again together.
I'm not going to leave you behind.
Never ever.
I see us.
The noisy needs the quiet, so that the world will know what is noise.
The sensible needs the reckless.
The thinker needs the do-er.
I see us.
Chin up.
Get your heart right.
Actions always speak louder than words.
Stop this procrastination cycle that we all fall into.
(I'm guilty of it too)
You're going to get out of this slump.
And you won't be alone.
We'll grow together.
I love you!
From what i know..
They're different as night and day.
Watching them,
I see us.
Like peas in a pod, yet different in so many other ways.
One's jovial, funny, reckless and forever happy.
The other's quiet, careful, sensible and forever pondering.
I see us.
I've always been the jovial one.
Getting myself into scrapes because of my recklessness.
Finding humour in every situation, thinking that the world will be bleak without the 'fun' element.
You're always the sensible one.
Getting me out of scrapes because you just have to bail me out.
Thinking of solutions to save the world, when i just try to save the world without much thought.
Careful about each statement you make, so as not to stumble me.
Listening to me when I blabber, complain, whine, or just chatter.
I see us.
The roles are reversed now.
I'm the mother goose.
You're the baby learning to walk again.
I'm not used to mothering, I'm used to be mothered.
I'm not used to being the logical voice among us, I'm used to be the voice that points the way to mayhem.
I see us.
I don't think I'm experienced enough to do good mothering, but by golly i will.
With every single compound, molecule, atom, quark in me, I promise to do my best.
I'll get you back step by step, we'll crawl again together.
I'm not going to leave you behind.
Never ever.
I see us.
The noisy needs the quiet, so that the world will know what is noise.
The sensible needs the reckless.
The thinker needs the do-er.
I see us.
Chin up.
Get your heart right.
Actions always speak louder than words.
Stop this procrastination cycle that we all fall into.
(I'm guilty of it too)
You're going to get out of this slump.
And you won't be alone.
We'll grow together.
I love you!
Guess who went?
Blood Donation Drive organized by Red Cross Humanitarian Network NUS Chapter
Please bring along your NRIC / Passport (for non-Singaporeans) / Blood Donation Card. Thank you!
Share the River of Life ~
分享生命的甘泉 ~
It won't hurt, yet it can help save a few lives…
Be a Blood Donor! *_^
Blood Donation Drive
Organized by Red Cross Humanitarian Network (NUS Chapter)
Date: 7th, 8th &9th of February, 2006 (Tues, Wed, & Thurs)
11am – 3pm, on 7th February, 2006
10am – 3pm, on 8th& 9th February, 2006
Venue: MPSH 6
Save the blood for the needed!
The red blood cells in your body have a lifespan of about 3 months, after which they will SIAO. Each blood donation can save up to 3 lives. They can be an accident victim, a patient with kidney failure or burns, a newborn baby, someone living with severe anaemia... So instead of SIAO silently, your red blood cells can go and help survive up to 3 lives! In this sense, life can also be shared. The only thing you need to do is to come forward to be a blood donor!!!
Help the less fortunate ones, also help your own body!
Regular blood donation can help prevent the build-up of iron in the body over time, reducing the strain iron places on major organs including the heart. We also believe that Giving blood, putting your kindness to practice, is always good for the heart!
Make a difference without going to great expense!
Many of us like to feel being a part of the community and contribute to charities whenever we can. There is something money cannot buy, yet you can GIVE -- your life-saving blood!
No pain, no worries!
The Singapore Health Science Authorities provides 1 of the best blood collecting services in the world. As a potential donor, your health status will be checked to ensure suitability as a blood donor. Anaesthetic will be applied prior to donation so no pain will be experienced. All equipments are strictly sterilized and disposed after use, so no worries!
More information about Blood Donation can be found at:
Looking forward to seeing you at the blood donation site!
Thank you very much.
Best Wishes for the Chinese New Year!
Warmest Regards,
Blood Donation & Donor Recruitment Program Officer,
Red Cross Humanitarian Network NUS Chapter,
10th Committee
i totally freaked out for 1.5hr..
ever since 9.30am..
popped by..and freaked out more..
wanted to runaway and hide after i completed the survey form..
which would be totally lousy and horrible..since i haven't even lost a drop of blood yet..
sat on the bench praying that God will be with me..and let me overcome my fear of big needles..
cuz the needles used are bigger than usual..
but the people were super duper nice..
cuz i've got a sticker that says..'Please be gentle to's my first time..'
wanted to grab like 10 stickers to paste all over me...telling them that they have to be TOTALLY gentle to me..
then i was given jabs to numb the area..i counted 3 friends only had 1 each..
oh..maybe it was because i asked the nurse if it was pain and everything..
i looked traumatized and i was..
and my eyes went super huge when they injected me..
the whole thing was quite fast tho..
then this malay guy caught me taking pics of my arm..
the nurse was like transferring my blood into test tubes to send to the lab..
and she's so nice and my random phototaking didn't scare her off..
the malay guy was like.. O__O
and i was so paiseh..
and i've got a hot pink bandage..with purple hearts
i was traumatized by the bandage..and the malay guy thought i wasn't feeling too well.
so he was like...are you ok?
you sure?
and i was like..yar..i'm ok..why?
and he's like..cuz you look traumatized..
and i'm like...1st time mar..
and the needle is so big!
and he's like...yar lar..the needle is big lar..but not pain wad...
and i'm like..1st time lehhhh!!!
and he's least u guys are like numbed...mine's always not numbed lor..
and i'm like.. O___O so super duper pain!
and he's like...then you'll die in america lar...they don't numb one..they just stick the needle in..
and i'm like.. O____O
then i left laughing...
grabbed a pack of milo..
and went for my next lecture.
i feel damm good.
prolly gonna do in 3 mths time.
i want green bandages with blue dinosaurs..
and they took so little blood from me..
Please bring along your NRIC / Passport (for non-Singaporeans) / Blood Donation Card. Thank you!
Share the River of Life ~
分享生命的甘泉 ~
It won't hurt, yet it can help save a few lives…
Be a Blood Donor! *_^
Blood Donation Drive
Organized by Red Cross Humanitarian Network (NUS Chapter)
Date: 7th, 8th &9th of February, 2006 (Tues, Wed, & Thurs)
11am – 3pm, on 7th February, 2006
10am – 3pm, on 8th& 9th February, 2006
Venue: MPSH 6
Save the blood for the needed!
The red blood cells in your body have a lifespan of about 3 months, after which they will SIAO. Each blood donation can save up to 3 lives. They can be an accident victim, a patient with kidney failure or burns, a newborn baby, someone living with severe anaemia... So instead of SIAO silently, your red blood cells can go and help survive up to 3 lives! In this sense, life can also be shared. The only thing you need to do is to come forward to be a blood donor!!!
Help the less fortunate ones, also help your own body!
Regular blood donation can help prevent the build-up of iron in the body over time, reducing the strain iron places on major organs including the heart. We also believe that Giving blood, putting your kindness to practice, is always good for the heart!
Make a difference without going to great expense!
Many of us like to feel being a part of the community and contribute to charities whenever we can. There is something money cannot buy, yet you can GIVE -- your life-saving blood!
No pain, no worries!
The Singapore Health Science Authorities provides 1 of the best blood collecting services in the world. As a potential donor, your health status will be checked to ensure suitability as a blood donor. Anaesthetic will be applied prior to donation so no pain will be experienced. All equipments are strictly sterilized and disposed after use, so no worries!
More information about Blood Donation can be found at:
Looking forward to seeing you at the blood donation site!
Thank you very much.
Best Wishes for the Chinese New Year!
Warmest Regards,
Blood Donation & Donor Recruitment Program Officer,
Red Cross Humanitarian Network NUS Chapter,
10th Committee
i totally freaked out for 1.5hr..
ever since 9.30am..
popped by..and freaked out more..
wanted to runaway and hide after i completed the survey form..
which would be totally lousy and horrible..since i haven't even lost a drop of blood yet..
sat on the bench praying that God will be with me..and let me overcome my fear of big needles..
cuz the needles used are bigger than usual..
but the people were super duper nice..
cuz i've got a sticker that says..'Please be gentle to's my first time..'
wanted to grab like 10 stickers to paste all over me...telling them that they have to be TOTALLY gentle to me..
then i was given jabs to numb the area..i counted 3 friends only had 1 each..
oh..maybe it was because i asked the nurse if it was pain and everything..
i looked traumatized and i was..
and my eyes went super huge when they injected me..
the whole thing was quite fast tho..
then this malay guy caught me taking pics of my arm..
the nurse was like transferring my blood into test tubes to send to the lab..
and she's so nice and my random phototaking didn't scare her off..
the malay guy was like.. O__O
and i was so paiseh..
and i've got a hot pink bandage..with purple hearts
i was traumatized by the bandage..and the malay guy thought i wasn't feeling too well.
so he was like...are you ok?
you sure?
and i was like..yar..i'm ok..why?
and he's like..cuz you look traumatized..
and i'm like...1st time mar..
and the needle is so big!
and he's like...yar lar..the needle is big lar..but not pain wad...
and i'm like..1st time lehhhh!!!
and he's least u guys are like numbed...mine's always not numbed lor..
and i'm like.. O___O so super duper pain!
and he's like...then you'll die in america lar...they don't numb one..they just stick the needle in..
and i'm like.. O____O
then i left laughing...
grabbed a pack of milo..
and went for my next lecture.
i feel damm good.
prolly gonna do in 3 mths time.
i want green bandages with blue dinosaurs..
and they took so little blood from me..
Sonntag, Februar 05, 2006

I saw this and i thought about you.
A: such that what I say doesn't for once need to make a solid point
B: but why would anything u say have to make a solid point?
A: that's me by nature...
B: u need to learn to say pointless's fun..once in a while.
This part of the entire conversation was interesting..
I'm quite proficient at the art of making pointless and random comments.
me thinks that i'm able to just make pointless conversation..
what do you get out it that?
you get loads of laughs and leave the conversation feeling happy.
although..a good partner is always important..
you can't have pointless conversations with a wall..
that's just sad and boring.
besides doing pointless conversations..i really can do profound conversations quite well too.
Try me.
i can do serious debates and discussions..altho i might end up going in circles, helixes, or mobius strip-ping..
well..most of the time it would be mobius strip-ping i guess..since i always think that i'm making a whole new point...but after thinking back..i actually didn't really vary much from the initial point.
do you know that i do act bimbotic?
seriously...i'm not all that dumb as i seem..
just that it's really so much easier to act dumb..
and if me acting dumb makes people laugh..
why not?
but i can't do it every day.
i have days when i need to have serious conversations..
without brain will not be forced to think..
and then..i'll be stagnant..
i have no idea what this entire entry is about..
i'm mobius-ing..
back to the lab report.
dued tmr..
-hurry hurry hurry-
basically...during the times when you think i'm so blur or so bimbotic...
think again.
oh..and i saw my boyfriend utt today!
he's sooo shuai..
and he poop-ed so many times..
once on the carpet, once on the cushion, once on dennis, once on my hand, once on my pants, twice on the tissue.
he's a poop king!
he poops on command!
he's sooo shuai..
nyeh...i want christine to mate him and gimme his babies..or baby would be enough lar.. :))
-btw, utt is really just a bird...very shuai bird that bites me..-
Donnerstag, Februar 02, 2006
What seemed like a good idea then..
seems to be a damm bleeding horrible idea now.
I'm cancelling Project Give Love.
due to horrible and lousy response.
I'm pissed.
Go away.
i'm damm disappointed lar.
forget it.
I can't do this all on my own..
No I can't..
I'm no superman.
seems to be a damm bleeding horrible idea now.
I'm cancelling Project Give Love.
due to horrible and lousy response.
I'm pissed.
Go away.
i'm damm disappointed lar.
forget it.
I can't do this all on my own..
No I can't..
I'm no superman.
Fish stiickks.
Was the Designated Driver today.
Thing was..
I was supposed to be getting my lab report done today..
but cousin dearest called and asked if i could drive her around to run her errands in the afternoon..
and since cousin dearest is pregnant..and having a headache..
i agreed.
however, i'm still not sure if my driving made her headache worse..
oh wells..she seemed fine.
can't wait for my little niece/nephew to be out.
that's gonna take a few months..prolly half a year more.
so..i've only done 1.5pages of my 10page report which is dued next week and i'm like..
not because i've got trouble coming up with stuff to write..
it's more like..
i'm so bored doing it and i'm run around the house doing other rubbish.
and i'm making fishsticks for dinner.
i've got 3 BIG packs of fishsticks.
and so far Project Give Love has love from Crystal! Jem! and Mingdao!
even tho i've asked Crystal, Jem, Jun and Mingdao. you know who's :(
back to report.
Thing was..
I was supposed to be getting my lab report done today..
but cousin dearest called and asked if i could drive her around to run her errands in the afternoon..
and since cousin dearest is pregnant..and having a headache..
i agreed.
however, i'm still not sure if my driving made her headache worse..
oh wells..she seemed fine.
can't wait for my little niece/nephew to be out.
that's gonna take a few months..prolly half a year more.
so..i've only done 1.5pages of my 10page report which is dued next week and i'm like..
not because i've got trouble coming up with stuff to write..
it's more like..
i'm so bored doing it and i'm run around the house doing other rubbish.
and i'm making fishsticks for dinner.
i've got 3 BIG packs of fishsticks.
and so far Project Give Love has love from Crystal! Jem! and Mingdao!
even tho i've asked Crystal, Jem, Jun and Mingdao. you know who's :(
back to report.
Project Give Love.
'Tis Februar once more..
remembered this 'mini-project' thingy i did last year..
dug the entry out..
i'm so amused.
i think it's the pre-presentation jitters..
i'm trying to make tng feel bad for not coming back to sg for the hols..
and then..
i'm trying to get tng to love me more..
cuz she claims that she loves everyone the same!
and i'm like...can you love me a lil' bit more?
heh.. and then when that didn't work...
I went to gloreee..heh.. and YAY!!
heh..see how easier contented i am?
and now i'm asking the entire world if they love me..
Crystal loves me!
ok lar...tng loves me also..just that she doesn't show favouritism. :P
Jiehui loves Jamie!!!
Ai loves me too!! (2 times)
Josh too!!
Peter loves me too!!!
Gerald loves me too!!
Yingchao loves me too!!!
Winfrid loves me too...after ALOT of prodding from calyn..
Twin loves me too!!
Jem loves me too!!
Wasserfrau loves me!
Jon Ong loves me too!!
james loves me too!!
Daph loves me too!!
and jon reminded me that Jesus loves me more than i can ever imagine..
and pete asked me a qn...when i told him that I LOVE HIM TOO!!!
he said i can't love him..cuz...i'll be giving my love away if i do so...then how i collect liddat?
and.. my response was...
if i give it away..
Jesus will gimme some more!
-dated 4th March 2005-
So everyone!
It's here again!
the annual 'Project Give Love' :))))
and it's here to stay an ENTIRE month!
but obviously it should always be practiced every single moment!
So! Let this be a month for LOVE.
Tell everyone that you love, 'I LOVEEE YOU!'
come on!
Brighten that person's day.
Touch the person.
Encourage the person!
do you love me too? :)
remembered this 'mini-project' thingy i did last year..
dug the entry out..
i'm so amused.
i think it's the pre-presentation jitters..
i'm trying to make tng feel bad for not coming back to sg for the hols..
and then..
i'm trying to get tng to love me more..
cuz she claims that she loves everyone the same!
and i'm like...can you love me a lil' bit more?
heh.. and then when that didn't work...
I went to gloreee..heh.. and YAY!!
heh..see how easier contented i am?
and now i'm asking the entire world if they love me..
Crystal loves me!
ok lar...tng loves me also..just that she doesn't show favouritism. :P
Jiehui loves Jamie!!!
Ai loves me too!! (2 times)
Josh too!!
Peter loves me too!!!
Gerald loves me too!!
Yingchao loves me too!!!
Winfrid loves me too...after ALOT of prodding from calyn..
Twin loves me too!!
Jem loves me too!!
Wasserfrau loves me!
Jon Ong loves me too!!
james loves me too!!
Daph loves me too!!
and jon reminded me that Jesus loves me more than i can ever imagine..
and pete asked me a qn...when i told him that I LOVE HIM TOO!!!
he said i can't love him..cuz...i'll be giving my love away if i do so...then how i collect liddat?
and.. my response was...
if i give it away..
Jesus will gimme some more!
-dated 4th March 2005-
So everyone!
It's here again!
the annual 'Project Give Love' :))))
and it's here to stay an ENTIRE month!
but obviously it should always be practiced every single moment!
So! Let this be a month for LOVE.
Tell everyone that you love, 'I LOVEEE YOU!'
come on!
Brighten that person's day.
Touch the person.
Encourage the person!
do you love me too? :)
Mittwoch, Februar 01, 2006
I've got a crush on you.
How glad the many millions of annabelles and lillians
Would be to capture me
But you had such persistence, you wore down my resistance
I fell and it was swell
I’m your big and brave and handsome romeo
How I won you I shall never never know
It’s not that you’re attractive
But, oh, my heart grew active
When you came into view
I’ve got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time give me sigh
I never had the least notion that
I could fall with so much emotion
Could you coo, could you care
For a country cottage we could share
The world will pardon my mush
’cause I have got a crush on you
Could you coo, could you care
For a country cottage
That we could share
The world will pardon my mush
’cause I have got a crush, my baby, on you
-Frank Sinatra-
Would be to capture me
But you had such persistence, you wore down my resistance
I fell and it was swell
I’m your big and brave and handsome romeo
How I won you I shall never never know
It’s not that you’re attractive
But, oh, my heart grew active
When you came into view
I’ve got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time give me sigh
I never had the least notion that
I could fall with so much emotion
Could you coo, could you care
For a country cottage we could share
The world will pardon my mush
’cause I have got a crush on you
Could you coo, could you care
For a country cottage
That we could share
The world will pardon my mush
’cause I have got a crush, my baby, on you
-Frank Sinatra-
Toilet Bowl Musings.
had a convo with a long lost friend last night.
and he quitted school last year.
2nd year of uni.
so many people are just dropping out of school nowadays..
some with logical reasons.
some like the dodo above makes me want to smack him.
he left partly because he didn't like his course.
which i was fine with..because engin really isn't everyone's cup of tea.
the other reason was because his ex was in that school too.
and what i would say to that would be.. 2 words..
i really don't get it man.
Priorities in life are wrong!
Wake up!
/edit. will continue later!! Broxy's online! :)))))
had a convo with a long lost friend last night.
and he quitted school last year.
2nd year of uni.
so many people are just dropping out of school nowadays..
some with logical reasons.
some like the dodo above makes me want to smack him.
he left partly because he didn't like his course.
which i was fine with..because engin really isn't everyone's cup of tea.
the other reason was because his ex was in that school too.
and what i would say to that would be.. 2 words..
i really don't get it man.
Priorities in life are wrong!
Wake up!
/edit. will continue later!! Broxy's online! :)))))
Four jobs I've had in my life
- Money counter, officially person to count wads of cash
- Data entry kid
- Piano teacher
- Intern of the paint company
Four movies I can watch over and over
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Love Actually
- Notting Hill
- Hakuna Matata 1 1/2
Four places I have lived
- Singapore
- Singapore
- Singapore
- Singapore
Four Seven TV shows I love to watch
- The Simpsons
- Scrubs
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- Becker
- Whose Line is it Anyway?
- The Thirsty Traveller
- Jamie Oliver shows
Four places I have been on vacation
- Tokyo, Japan
- New Zealand, NZ
- Sydney, Australia
- San Francisco, CA
Four of my favourite dishes
- Almond cookies
- Sashimi
- Seafood in general
- Dark chocolate
Four websites I visit daily
- Yahoo Mail
- Nus
- Random blogs
- Wikipedia
Four places I would rather be right now
- Any part of Germany
- Sydney, Australia
- Lisbon, Portugal
- Hawaii, US of A
Four bloggers I am tagging
- Everyone
- Who
- Reads
- This